1 Byte 8 Bits

Historically a byte was the number of bits used to encode a single character of text in a computer and it is for this reason the basic addressable element in many computer architectures. We recommend for both browsers the version 4x or higher.

A Byte Is A Sequence Of 8 Bits Enough To Represent One Alphanumeric Character Processed As A Single Unit Of Information Computer Notes Computer Basics Byte

To visit the BECKHOFF Site youll need MS Internet Explorer 21 or higher or Netscape Navigator 201 or higher.

. Components for Automation and Control. So byte is the basic addressable unit below which computer architecture cannot addressAnd since there doesnt probably exist computers which support. TwinCAT NT-Realtime-System Bus terminal Industrial PC.

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Computer Memory Computer Memory Memories Words

Gigabyte 1 073 741 824 Bytes Or 1 024 Megabytes Generally Abbreviated Gb Byte Terabyte Gigabyte

Bit Byte Byte Chart Ict


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